The Pasta Haters (TPH) is a multi-user e-commerce platform based in Sweden that established retailers use to create an online shop and sell their products.
Time Frame: 3 days Team: Lisa Gautier, TPH founder
My Main Role: UX/UI Designer
My Additional Role: User Researcher
Tools: Pages, Screenflow, Notion, Sketch
A retailer dashboard did not exist, but was necessary. The retailers needed to view how their shop was doing on the TPH market platform and edit their shop accordingly.

A dashboard with typographic displays of a shop's performance along with cards linked to features necessary to edit the online shop.

User Testing: With time constraints, I conducted one end user test to get an idea of retailer needs. One test was all I needed to form a hypothesis.

I found out most TPH retailers have minimal tech experience. They turn to TPH because they have difficulty creating and maintaining a platform themselves. This was confirmed when I met with TPH's founder to talk about my findings.
Hypothesis and Ideation: I formed a hypothesis and wrote out my ideas to organize my thinking before redesigning the dashboard.

Mobile First Wireframes: I began redesigning the existing mobile Sketch files understanding that the limited space would help me reduce content to the most important features and information.

• User testing can help identify the uniqueness behind a platform or product.
• Understanding how adept your user is with technology is important because it will heavily influence the design.