Juvo is a San Francisco based fintech company partnering with mobile network operators (MNOs) in emerging markets to provide lending services to their prepaid population. Juvo Dashboard Customer Support is a product Juvo provides MNO customer support teams so they can assist their customers with a failed transaction.
time frame: 2 months
team: 1 Product Manager, 2 Software Engineers, 2 QA
my role: Product Designer tools: Sketch, InVision, Zoom, Zeplin
The customer support teams at various mobile network operators with whom we partner repeatedly needed technical assistance with consumer failed transactions.
The Customer Support MVP tailored to help the customer support teams with the most common consumer requests of cancelling and repaying loans.

customer insights: The product manager informed me that repaying loans and cancelling loans were the most common requests in which customer support teams needed support from our backend team.
task flows: What does repaying and canceling a loan currently look like? Creating these flows helped me identify the actions and information required to repay and cancel a loan.

content modeling and relationships: I honed in on the information needed for our users primary actions and created a structure. Simultaneously, I identified an important edge case that would require more information.

wireframes: I sketched out how the information could visually relate to one another and what the new user flow could look like in its most simplest form.

high fidelity flow: the user flow was simple so I took to designing high fidelity designs where it became clear that visually designing the dashboard would be the greatest challenge.

visual design: below are alternate explorations of the dashboard.

• Distributing hierarchy throughout written information is harder to make visually appealing than illustrative information like charts or graphs.
• White space ensures scalability when there is more information to add to the dashboard.